I know I enjoy smoothies and here is a great smoothie to start you day off with. I like to take a recipe and practice it until I get the hang of it and then move on to another. Eventually you could get onto a rotation of smoothies through out the week so that way you are mixing up your smoothies.

One thing that is great a bout smoothies is they assist in your hydration! With all the water rich veggies and fruits it help with hydrating your body.
When creating a smoothie it is alway important to have a protein source. So choose the one that works for you!
Adding a greens powder to the mix, add even more nutrient dense foods gives you an extra punch of nutrition!
Below is a great smoothie that adds a nice serving of hydrating veggies and fruit along with some quality protein and fiber. This is a great tasting smoothie and can be altered as you get used to making it. Enjoy and let me know what you think.
Mean Green Detox Smoothie (adapted from www.greensmoothiegirl.com)
1 cup water
1/2 cup ice
1 cup almond milk
1 banana
2 stalks celery, chopped
1/2 chopped English Cucumber
1 1/2 cups (or 3 large handfuls) kale, rinsed and de-stemmed
1 small organic lemon, quartered
1 cup pineapple, fresh or frozen
1 Serving of Greens Drink powder
2 tbsp chia seeds,
1-2 serving protein powder or Perfect Aminos powder, or 2-4 raw eggs
The water and the almond milk is the base, after you add the water and almond milk add the Green powder and chia seeds and let it blend on low while you prepare the other ingredients.
Next add the kale, cucumber, celery then blend.
Next add the pineapple, banana and blend.
Last, add your choice of protein and ice and blend until it is smooth.
Then pour and enjoy!
Suggested green drinks:
Roots Apothecary Adaptive Greens,Used the coupon code PATHS to get 40% off your first order: https://www.rootsapothecary.com/products/adaptive-greens
Organifi Green Juice, https://www.organifishop.com/products/green
Bodyhealth Greens, https://bodyhealth.com/products/greens-superfood-formula
Amazing Grass Greens https://shop.amazinggrass.com/products/greens-blend-the-original
Suggested Protein:
Perfect Aminos, by bodyhealth:https://bodyhealth.com/products/perfectaminoxp-drink-powder
Complete Protein by Organifi, https://www.organifishop.com/products/protein
Raw Eggs do well and surprisingly you can't taste them after they are blended up. Choose cage free organic or locally laid eggs from a local farm.
Organic Plant protein blend by Amazing Grass, https://shop.amazinggrass.com/products/organic-plant-protein-blend-vanilla?variant=39563393663081