by Jana Janak

So many of us set goals and then we break them and then give up because old habits are easier to fall back into. Even though we really do want to change, it seems almost impossible to break old habits.
I have been reading Atomic Habits by James Clear. While some of the ways to change habits seem a bit novel to me, several of the things he talks about in his book I have already been implementing. I will share one of the tips and tricks I have been using that I have learned through reading this book.
Stop saying "I can't be ______ because I am ______." But instead, look at the people that you look up to that are doing what you want to do in your life. What is it that they are, that you are not? Are they health nuts, hard workers, smarter, diligent? What attribute makes them stand out to you that keeps you from becoming like them?
Once you discover what your block is, use it in an "I am" statement and this will become your new affirmation "I am _____ (a health nut, a hard worker, smart, or diligent)." This is powerful. Having an affirmation helps guide your life. An affirmation is a recited set of words designed to produce a particular effect or feeling in the speaker or the listener. The affirmation creates a space for you to become something new!
Living up to your new affirmation means that you "look like" what you want to become more times than you do not "look like" what you want to become. It can also help you make decisions like "what would a ____ do in this situation?" It helps you make choices that help you live in your goal/dream. Hitting your goal is never about perfection it is about being something new. If you look like ______ more times than you do not you are hitting your target.
Sometimes we are blocked from our goal because of pain and or physiological dysfunction. At this point we have to step back and look at the smaller things in life. Tim Jr has referred to these as being the 6 foundational principals.
The 6 foundational principals are:
If you feel like you are blocked from reaching your goals because of pain or physiological dysfunction and would like to know how to set up a better self-care routine contact Tim Janak Jr or Tim Janak Sr. They are trained Holistic Lifestyle Coaches and believe true balance of the body (mind, body, and Spirit) achieves health.
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I understand the statements on this site regarding naCHer CBD products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results from products may vary. please understand we can not make any medical claims about these products, nor can we validate any claims that customers have made.