In this course you will learn to balance you mind and heart in order to become connected to your soul through powerful techniques that can help an individual become in control of their thoughts.

You will learn to center your mind, body and soul, by learning how to clear, ground and establish sacred space. a brief over view of chakras explaining the emotional, physical and spiritual connection they have to our physical, emotional and spiritual body. You will learn how to clear your chakras, and learnt o establish a daily practice of clearing, grounding creating sacred space and balancing your chakras by the end of the course. This course is designed to help you take care of yourself energetically.
This 2 Day course, which is 2 consecutive Saturdays, we will cover:
In the first day you will learn how to ground yourself, clear you personal energetic space and and the space you live in, learn about projections and cording.
Next we will review the subtle energy system of the body known as the chakras system. Then learn how to balance and clear your own chakra system.
The last part, will teach how to integrate everything you have learned in this 2 weekend course so that you can apply what you have learned and bring it into practice in your life.
This course is designed to teach the participant to create a daily practice of managing their mind, body and spirit through clearing and centering their subtle energy.
This course is also a pre-requisite for Energy Anatomy 3 and 4, which teaches you to use the tools and practice learned in Energy Anatomy 1 and 2 to help other individuals.
Energy Anatomy 3 and 4, goes further into detail about applying this practice and using it to help others.